Thursday, November 11, 2010

To Three Years

I am traversing the same contour since three years,
still a scalar, only magnitude with no direction,
not sure when will I find my divergence to become
a vector in some directions, and hope to have zero curl
that is being irrotational.

It seems that I have taken enough of this precipice in
my Region of Convergence, though a stable system,
tangled in the damped oscillations of human emotion.

At times I feel that my being very human is to do everything
with the impedances in the network. To be fair,
I am trying to amplify and filter noise from any signal, but lately
I have been receiving no information but noise. The channel itself
through which I am receiving these signals is doped as I see,
Money being the filthy DC source trying to conquer my charecteristics.

Been always missing or I must say negelected, the voltage disturbances*
in my way. But I agree some have made me experience beautiful property called levitation. Time, the medium which I am in, has been always adjusting the permitivity, permeability coefficients in its favour, and forcing me to believe that someting more strong is waiting up ahead. I know when I meet the other half, it will just be a freefall.

This contour has so detested me that it started adding insult to my injuries.

Never-the-less, I now see some twigs to this contour, which have left me with the hope
of finding some independent sources of happiness and heal me atleat at the speed of light.

To Three Years.

(* - I guess you might have figured out what it refers to! )