Monday, October 10, 2011


The very birth, in itself, is purely an accident
you keep crying for having survived that;
No one understands it. Pity.

Then, with all your notice you are fitted into
which definitely doesn't have any constant zeroes.

In this continuum of continuous change at some point
you are accidentally convolved (or multiplied) with  a strong impulse,
which leaves you with nothing but what you had
at your birth (or before that for non causal beings!).

You feel alleviated, and start pondering about that
impulse (d(t)), so called death, was it an accident?

You - Y is assumed a continuous causal being.
Y(t) x d(t) = Y(0)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It was a dream

All of your life is just worth the value you have given to it
all this rumbling and raw pain you have endeavored
all of what you have achieved while losing and some day
you die just to wake up and realize ' It was a dream'.

Now you take every step cautiously,
but at some point you start feeling
that nothing has changed, the world
itself hasn't changed. Suddenly,
your crux burst out saying even
this is not real. You feel you are lost.
All of this, God, religion, system are
just the trick of an architect.

Now you start searching for him,
being aware of the fact that you have
nothing to recognize him.
Unfortunately you don't even have
your totem to rescue.

All the projections around you
start acting weird, and they too feel the
otherwise. You stop for a moment
and feel the trap. You look
up to the sky, in return it says,

"You are buried infinitely deep within yourself. Wake up."