Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gone With The Movies

All the Disturbia from the Rear Window, woke you up
Leon and Matilda are the culprits for all the cacophony
No caped crusader will come to your rescue; who cares.
Then you look at yourself and feel every moment is making
you distant from your ambitions, you feel that you are killing
your darlings.

You start up, cannot handle these Butterfly On A Wheel situations,
you secretly admire but wish luck to all the belles like Signora Malena
and pass by them just like a dying Perfume in the air, bidding
Farewell to Concubine.

Most of the times you are put up with the Silence of the Lambs
which you don't get; you become an introvert, and only think of saying
'Read my lips', but no one will make out, all that is Entrapment, subtly Insidious.

There is a Keyzer Soze around, and is envying
your simple Inglorious bastard life,
and a Leo, busy conceiving Inception, making you the subject,
trying to steal your blood diamonds.

By evening you realize all these Alien Species or Transformers,
they took a Wrong Turn with Time machine; expending your life
for their fight with all the Risen, Fallen and Salvation.

You escape, get back home, the Mirrors won't let you be on
The Social Network, they write 'Why I killed my father' - bulls***,
who Knows, you got other problems. So you get out, searching for
a Fight Club, for your Project Mayhem, but this Ghost Protocol in
The Dark makes it Mission Impossible, you think you should
never back down though.

You will just pray for yourself, Woody and Alfred; keep patting your back
saying grow up, grow up, but the fact is you are growing old, Pity. And
many say there is No Country for Old Men.

In the end, you hunch for A Walk to Remember with Someone Special,
lie on The Beach, and hoping to wake up Resurrected for all the Redemption
to make yet, like in The Shawshank Redemption.

(Movies and References in the order of their appearance)
Disturbia -
The Rear Window -
Leon and Matilda -éon_(film)
Caped Crusader -
Butter on a Wheel -
Malena -èna
Perfume -
Farewell to Concubine -
Silence of the Lambs -
Read My Lips -èvres
Entrapment -
Insidious -
Keyzer Soze -
Inglorious bastards -
Leo -
Inception -
Blood Diamonds -
Alien -
Species -
Transformers -
Wrong Turn -
Time Machine -
Terminator Salvation -
Mirrors -
The Social Network -
Why I Killed My Father -
Fight Club -
Ghost Protocol -–_Ghost_Protocol
Mission Impossible -
Never Back Down -
Woody -
Alfred -
No Country For Old Men -
A Walk To Remember -
Someone Special -
The Beach -
Resurrected -
The Shawshank Redemption -

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