Saturday, September 25, 2010

My first class on Electricity

I have been thinking of teaching since long time after I finished my graduation. This Teacher’s Day I did something other than just thinking. I took a resolution that I shall teach at the nearby Government High School for 2 hours on every Saturday. With the same intention I went to the school and talked to HM there. She was very much encouraging and allowed me to take lectures for any class, on any topic I want. What I liked the most at that moment was, HM openly said that their school doesn’t need money as they have enough funds from government and other organizations, so money was not they were actually looking out for.

I asked her whether I could take classes for high school students, and she readily agreed and asked me if I can take physics for them. I said I’m very much interested in that and shall surely take class on any topic which was required.

As one of my friends said: “‘Teach’ in the real sense of the word”, which I just did. I kind of hope that if I can change the mind set of at least one student and bring him to a level where he actually understands the subject for life, then I think my attempt has conceived some result. But nevertheless I'm happy that I made an attempt.

As said I took the lecture for 2 hours (with just one break), and I saw that students were really enjoying it and asking questions, cracking jokes yeah I think they had fun. I thought the real challenge would be teaching in English to a class of Telugu and Marathi medium students, but situation was good as I expected they didn’t had any problem to communicate with me. After the class, students asked me to come on every Saturday like that, for whom I'm very much thankful; HM and I discussed what lectures I should take on coming weekends.

Yes, it was liberating in the sense that I pushed myself to improve the situation to the extent possible by me. And I see there is a lot of scope for improvement every time. I think now maybe I have found some real purpose to not kill time consistently on Saturdays from now on.

Yeah, today I took ‘My first class on Electricity’.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am sure your students would have enjoyed your class !!
