Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hall Of Fame in a Government School

Due to insufficient preparation, last weekend I couldn’t take any class in the school. But I had a small relevant presentation which I wanted to share and did so, also promised to get more good training videos* and share them on Monday.

I found some good material and went to school to share them on Monday. As I was getting late to office, I briefly explained about each of the videos to HM, she agreed to take a class with those. There I met a volunteer from Indian American Council, who has come to explain the teachers on how to use computers as teaching aid rather than seeing it as a subject/curriculum. I was glad to evidence such an initiative. The volunteer and I had a small chat, discussing each other’s duties; he understood that my service was implementation of his guidelines.

After that, HM and I moved out, having a chat about my next topics. On reaching a common room, HM showed me a chart almost on top of the wall, having the names, scores, Photos of toppers from each class and said that we trying to fill some encouragement in our students with this. I was very happy seeing such a move in a Government school; I said that it reminded me of the Hall Of Fame in our organization, where we do similar kind of stuff for appreciation and encouragement. For which she replied ‘we are doing that to our students from this stage itself’.

I thus concluded ‘Hall Of Fame in a Government School – super!’ and started off to my office.

*: videos were related to Organic Chemistry for 10th standard J

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